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Category Archives: One Year Bible Study

Maintaining Peace While Raising Warriors… {Reading: Judges 3:31-6:40}

Don’t you love it when you are doing consistent Bible study…and each day’s reading seems to so perfectly align with what you are currently learning in your life?! That seems to happen so often for me—and today was another one of those days! Some things on my heart today…and maybe yours too… No matter how […]

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Lara - April 1, 2010 - 5:39 pm

I really need to read that book. Whining has been a big struggle with my little boy lately, and I have come to my whit’s end more than once!

Jennifer - April 1, 2010 - 7:35 pm

Great post! My hubby and a group of men have used this book and designed their own “Knight Training” and system starting the boys at age 7. It is such a blessing! Just today we were talking about being a Page and behavior that meets that standard! Page, squire, knight.

Elle J - April 1, 2010 - 9:52 pm

Sounds like chaos was the understatement of your morning, although I did enjoy the chuckle. Glad every one had limbs attached and breathing by the time your day was done. =) Have a peaceful evening.

Nikki - April 2, 2010 - 1:08 am

We love that book at this house… and I just picked up “Raising a Modern Day Princess” for the wee-est one. My husband has structured many “warrior training” excursions for our boys around the book’s principles. 🙂

Careen - April 2, 2010 - 9:47 am

My dear Andrea!

I just relived my days like the one you just described! You are doing such a wonderful job of rearing young warriors! As our sons were coming along, my goal was to bring them to maturity without permanently damaging one another! They have turned out to be awesome Christian men…still doing dangerous things, I might add.

Your comments about the need for warriors is so “right on.” Women are stressing themselves out with battles they were never meant to fight. Praise God for young warrior mothers who are training sons to assume their rightful role that God intended.

Keep on fighting; it’s worth every moment!

I love you!

Sing Praise to the King… {One Year Bible Study Reading-Judges Ch.1-3}

Borrowed this one from my sweet sister…for those of you with babies—here is a tune to sing with them this week as you celebrate Holy Week… 10 Little Children Sing (to the tune of 10 Little Indians) 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Children 4 Little, 5 Little, 6 Little Children 7 Little, 8 Little, […]

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Amy @ Filled With Praise - April 1, 2010 - 9:09 am

We have been doing the eggs as our devotions each night with the kids. We have it timed so the last egg is on Easter. The kids love it.

I also shared the Easter Story cookies with everyone on my blog today. You should do them with your kiddos the night before Easter. It is such a great hands on activity that Biblically shows the story.
Have a great day!!!

Renea - April 1, 2010 - 11:12 am

Resurrection eggs are my favorite! 🙂

Natali - April 1, 2010 - 2:41 pm

I love that He is our Redeemer. Even when we don’t want Him to be, He is. He pursues us, patiently waits for us to come around. I am SO thankful that of His grace :))

Celebrate Passover {Part 3}

As we pick up learning about a traditional Seder…we reach the point in the night where the children’s questions are answered…Why do we eat unleavened bread on this night? Why do we eat bitter herbs tonight? Why do we dip our vegetables twice? Why do we eat reclining on this night? And the story is […]

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Renea - March 30, 2010 - 12:57 am

Okay, now that is just freaky!!! I send you an e-mail wanting to know why we haven’t seen the Lent tree lately and before you can read my e-mail this new blog post pops up! 🙂 Freaky friend minds on the same track. 😉 xoxo ♥

april - March 30, 2010 - 8:27 pm

that is so beautiful how your daughter thought about mary pouring the perfume on Jesus feet! Ok, I know you sent me an email with your new blog…is this the one or is this or other one? I think I may have lost your email so if there is another one, could you let me know! Thanks girl!

Drawn from Water…

{PLEASE TURN OFF MUSIC ABOVE BEFORE WATCHING VIDEO} Just wanted to share another sweet African ministry with you. THIS IS REAL. THIS is happening today. What if I made my spring break and summer planning more about things like this than anything else? What if we spent our lives fighting for the children who no […]

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Renea - March 25, 2010 - 11:30 am

OMG! I love that ministry! I just shared it last week again with someone. And I shared it with my pastor’s wife on Monday at revival! She just couldn’t believe that such things still happen in our world. That’s where we come in! Making sure as many people know that we can tell! Someone called me ‘weird’ just last week. I’m okay with that. God made me ‘weird’ with a purpose and a plan! Following Him wherever He may lead me! Much love to you girlfriend! From one crazy woman to another! ♥

missy - March 25, 2010 - 12:40 pm

you are the best kind of crazy…crazy in love with god and his glory. love the drawn from water ministry.

Lara - March 25, 2010 - 3:43 pm

Thank you for posting that! I have people think I’m crazy much of the time, but that’s okay. I think sometimes people feel uncomfortable when reminded of the world outside of our country.

Natali - March 25, 2010 - 11:19 pm

What a really great post! You sure are sharing the heart of GOD here :))

What has the Lord done for you? {Joshua 3-6:27} & Remember Him…and trust Him to bring down the rest of the Walls…

Today’s reading…a must read. SO STINKIN GOOD! Joshua 3 It’s time for the Israelites to continue their journey into the land the Lord has promised them—but a very big obstacle is standing in their way…the Jordan River. Where they must cross—13 miles they must travel. What seems impossible for man—is made possible with God. Do […]

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Renea - March 23, 2010 - 5:05 pm

You don’t know just how much I ♥ you girl! Thanks for the post. Loving reading along with you.

Marci - March 24, 2010 - 7:51 am

needed to be reminded of this….I love the visual picture of the crossing of the Jordan…God can do anything and He will …that is exciting. I am daily keeping up with my bible reading…somedays are cathcing up and I am now in 2 Samuel…I loved the book of Joshua….the wasbi “green ” peas…so funny to me. Those are those mommy moments that humble us.

Natali - March 25, 2010 - 11:09 pm

amen!! What an awesome post about GOD’s faithfulness! :))