The Young Family Farm »

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I promise…

pictures of the garden are comin’! BUT I also promise…PICTURES of our KIDS in ZAMBIA are coming with video tomorrow too. It’s gonna be rainy tomorrow here…so I’ll be uploading away!!! I’ve been completely MIA enjoying our family being together again!!! Toby is safely unpacked…Richard is rested up…and we’re ready to roll!!!

Can’t wait to share news about our Widows program too!!! And SUPER can’t wait for some of YOU to join us!!! Yay! I was thinking today how BLESSED my heart is to be a part of Wiphan AND to be adopting from Africa. Seriously…I wonder some times why in the world I get to live this amazing, exciting, crazy life! Then it made me wish this for everyone. And I felt a moment of sadness that not everyone does. SOMETHING amazing happens when you surrender and follow God…open your home and your heart…and your time…and then I remembered—OH YEAH…ANYONE…ANYONE…ANYONE can experience this!!! Love is always a choice. Sometimes it’s a feeling. Sometimes it makes sense. Sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s always, always a choice.

Come on back tomorrow to this bloggy friends and see one of the things I LOVE MOST. AND…if you have room in your heart…I’d love for you to join us on this amazing journey of trusting God!!!



Shannon - March 13, 2010 - 3:02 am

So glad you’re getting family time in….enjoy! Can’t wait to see the pictures and video and I’m especially looking forward to hearing what’s in store for the widows program. I wore my shirt to bible study this morning and did a short infomercial about Wiphan:)