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His personality {Zeke makes my side hurt!}


Meet my 3 year old. Zeke.

My side hurts! If you ever need to laugh your socks off–you need to spend just a few hours alone with Zeke!! He was my side kick in Hobby Lobby tonight and in just 1 hour in that store while Laney was at ballet these things happened…

1. A lady told him he was cute and his response: “Where you go–I will go. Where you stay–I will stay. Your people will be my people!” (Oh MY! I lost it. Preach it buddy.)

2. Santa called my cell phone. Seriously. I had put in an email order today for Santa Atlanta to visit our house–and he called me back…acting like Santa–“Ho, ho, ho”ing on the other end. I wanted to tell him he didn’t have to keep that up and we could just book a visit but it didn’t feel very cheerful–so I went along with it reminiscing on the different events we had used Santa Atlanta for…Laney’s birthday one year…a playdate party…and he asked me to catch him up on the kids–so I shared we had brought home another little guy since we used them last a few years ago. I filled him in on growing again through adoption and how Zeke had been home a year. THEN he asked who the chatter bug was in the back ground. Zeke of course:)

So Santa asked if he could say hey to any of the children and give them a “Ho, ho, ho!” HILARIOUS. Santa assumes he is talking to older Laney because of how articulate Zeke is.

Do you just looooove your new baby brother from China sweet girl? Ho! Ho! Ho!”

Uh oh. I knew his response was gonna knock Santa’s socks off. Y’all. Zeke is a pistol!

“Dis is NOT Waney. Dis is ZEKE. And I’m da new baby brother from China. And I’m NOT a girl. I’m a boy. Zeke. I’m three. And I’m mad at my mom. Because she is mean ’cause she isn’t buying me anything I want while we are shopping at Hobby Lobby. HO! HO! HO!”

Oh my. My apologies Santa!

I whispered in Zeke’s other ear to please just tell Santa, “Merry Christmas” and after he did–I took the phone back, made arrangements for his visit and gave hi a Merry Christmas right back. THAT KID!!!

3. Finally–I called my dad who I knew would appreciate the story of Mr. Pistol’s talk with Santa–only to have Zeke take the phone and tell Papa, “Papa! Dis is Zeke and I’m mad at mom because she is mean. She’s not buying me any thing here at Hobby Lobby.” 

I took the phone away and told my dad how Zeke grabbed a globe ornament I found and started naming all the continents…truly amazing if you ask me for a 3 year old! I handed him the globe and the phone and tried to get him to do it for my dad–only he cut his eyes at me and recited the entire Pledge of Allegiance of the United States smirking until the very end. Y’all. I tried not to laugh…but hearing my dad laughing that I have my HANDS FULL–I lost it once again. This kid…can give it to Santa, recite the continents and the pledge–BUT he is incapable of going to the stinkin’ POTTY. Oh my…HANDS FULL.

We did end on a good note–saying our “I love you’s” and we traded our toy from Chick-fil-a for an ice cream (love how they do that!) and then…we picked up sister from ballet!

And that’s our Zeke!! So thankful 2 years ago we ran across his picture while praying for waiting children–so thankful he has been home for over a year–and so thankful he is strong and confident…and makes me laugh!



Why I Run From Mega-Churches and Fog Machine Concert Worship

Our family lives in one of the biggest cities in the United States–so we are surrounded by mega churches and the coolest, newest things when it comes to not only fashion and the latest trends–but even when it comes to worship. The musicians that lead on Sunday morning you pass in Target with their shades on…and without thinking about it I smile and say hey just the same as I do for the random stranger I pass on the cereal aisle. I always want to encourage them when I pass them to smile back…we might have worshipped together on Sunday–remember? People to me–are people. Now–if you were Jesus…that’s something else. But if you are not Jesus–you are just people. Just like…me.

For years I thought something was wrong with me walking in or out of a mega-church–because of how I felt in the middle of so many strangers or leaving having a personal experience–with…just–well maybe me and God. That’s the way it’s supposed to be they might tell you–and you get together with a smaller community–your cell group, small group, community group or something like that later in the week. But if you leave feeling alone–do not be discouraged…you aren’t alone and there’s nothing wrong with you. You were made to be known not only by God–but by the body of Christ…to walk together day in and day out…especially at church where you worship.

I’d walk in and want to turn and walk right out. The energy no doubt gravitating–but the community…in order to really be community would have to meet online or at another time to really know one another but never see one another on a Sunday. I mean–we could go completely incognito for months and our absence would totally go unnoticed.

For some–I think this is really okay? I mean–for the introvert that is going to run in and out–you almost WANT this Mega-church type thing where no one will ever know your name or ask you where you’ve been the last few months…and how are things REALLY–like REALLY? But for me–(this is just my confession why you won’t see me there)–it just doesn’t feel like the body.

And it makes me worry–that we are creating the need for entertainment, more lights, more fog, more of an outrageous experience for our kids, new believers and maybe even ourselves–and all of this could cover up the beauty of the missing body of Christ.

I knew the moment my first son started crawling–we needed to leave the mega-church we were attending. Not the church as “the church” but rather the mega-church that we were going to for all the wrong reasons. Now let me confess why we went there for the few years we did…It was comfortable. And entertaining. And famous people leading worship–that’s just pretty cool. We heard the new song before anyone else did. Okay–so those are NOT the reasons we went. But that was pretty exciting and cool. If you asked me 15 years ago why we were there–I would have told you the teaching truly was good. The pastor was captivating. The skits were hilarious. The worship was amazing–like a Christian rock concert.

But…raising my babies there and my own need for the body of Christ–it made me worry.

Because I had once experienced real corporate worship…where you knew your neighbor. You know your neighbor’s raising his hands beside you and you also know the battle he was fighting–and seeing him raise his hands during that battle–did something to me…because I knew my brother. The Holy Spirit did something in me as I could look around the room and know the stories of His power in lives all around me. I would look around and in this mega-church, really knew–like deeply knew–NO ONE. Except my spouse…and maybe another family or three in the west or east wing…who even knew unless I texted where they were. This is okay–except…it didn’t feel at all like a body should feel. Where the parts all know each other. Where the parts all work together. Where when one falls–the other is there to pick it up.

What would I teach my kids about His holy church–the one He died for? How we know each other deeply. How we walk together. How we know and see who is missing–because we can look around and see and know if they are there…and check on them…and serve them…and bring them back to worship alongside us…because we are one body–and this is how the body works.

And when the music or fog or Who’s Who worship team fades…because for a time my kids would think that is pretty stinkin’ cool–and all is striped away? Would they know how to come? Come to their Savior? When they go to college or get transferred to a small town–would they know how to find the body of Christ and how it’s supposed to work together or need more entertainment and fog machines? I see the fog and the dancing and beautiful hype–really…I see the beautiful in it. But. Is it overflowing into the lives and hearts and carrying over into every faucet of our lives with the body of Christ and all it’s glory going with us as we worship together and leave together into the world?

Then–I find myself leaving these concert churches–feeling so alone. And I wonder how many leave feeling the same–and never go back. Because it’s almost impossible to be known there–and that is our hearts desire…to be known…which overflows into our walk with the Lord–leading us to be known and to know Him.

When you go through things–the body is there. You might not have experienced that yet–but the body of Christ is alive and amazing when you find it. They surround you…they know you…they walk the trial with you…they celebrate the blessings by your side. But while we attended a big…as in BIG…church—we walked often alone in and out of the church through the hard things because really–we were unseen. If this is you. Maybe someone reading this who has come and gone…and never gone back for this reason–but please don’t give up on His church. I have to tell you. There are many churches out there that feel good–that are pretty entertaining and awesome like a party–but if you left feeling more unknown and unseen…you are not crazy and you are not alone.

Before I got married, I lived in China for a year. It was a sweet year doing crazy things for the gospel with other believers. I experienced the church in deep, real ways in a country where the church couldn’t legally exist and moved to Atlanta. I walked in to the church where every single in my area said I had to go–to come home to fog-machine worship that really threw me off and took awhile to get used to–until I realized I didn’t have to get used to it…because maybe I wasn’t supposed to. Sure you can worship with fog–you can worship with bubbles and kites and anything for that matter;)–but don’t be discouraged if the concert and who’s who leading worship isn’t for your heart. Because–it wasn’t for mine either. I want to be able to know the one worshipping beside me–or to be able to tell the one leading worship what the Lord did in my heart during that song they chose to sing…without needing a VIP pass or feeling silly because Elvis left the building before I could get there. I just love knowing my people and being known by them–and for me…my heart and family need to know the parts of the body and work together in smallness to do big things with them.

It takes awhile some times to know what your heart needs. My heart longs to just worship beside brothers and sisters who love Jesus…who are surrendered to Him…and who know my name and whose name I know because I believe that’s how we were made to worship and made to do life. Together. To hear and know one another’s needs–and consider how the Lord might want to use US to meet them. Together. To know your loss and know how He has been faithful to you–to see your hands rise during the trial and to go stand with you in worship. Together.

And to bring my children with me. And to allow this to overflow into their lives. To teach them you don’t need that guy on the radio leading worship with a fog machine and lights…that’s pretty cool and I’ll take you to a concert if you think that’s cool…but really–you just need a heart surrendered to Him–and if you have other brothers and sisters you love beside you…well, that’s golden and a blessing–and the body of Christ in one of it’s sweetest forms. To be comfortable without the fog and the lights–and just with that song you have practiced over and over with your guitar teacher to lead us in the living room as we sing together…and see what the body of Christ is. With no separation on Sunday or a special need to gather again just to know your name–because we know and see each other on Sunday or throughout the week when you have a need or you know I might or just to be together doing life together. I want my children to not need the all the noise and amazing entertainment to worship…but to just need a few brothers and sisters in Christ beside them–or even to be alone with just as much awe in the quiet.

Thankful how the Lord has led us from the big…to the small, sweet community where I have met the body of Christ in a real way. May you find Him where ever He leads and experience Him deeply through the body of Christ beside you.





I’m thankful {how love makes our family}

To be a fly on our wall. This is a typical day after nap time for these two. You don’t have to say anything AT ALL. You just have to sit and watch–and get ready to laugh. I love how these two just “go together”…almost feed off each other I’d guess you’d say. And if you step back and take in that these brothers from Africa and China–were just meant to be brothers–and I’m so thankful…that love makes our family.

AND I have to just add–I love when they make up their own phrases from their feelings. Currently “huggie” is a feeling in our home. How do you feel? Huggie! So funny these two!

I’m so thankful how God has grown our family. So much laughter here…and seeing His faithfulness in our home makes me want to just keep my hands open and continue to say be the God of YOUR story for my life!! It’s not my story at all–but His.

May your home be filled with lots of laughter this season.




Just a Day {Live each day to the fullest…}

I imagine one day I’ll wake up and wonder. What did a day look like back then when they were little? Today was a sweet one…fully of joys and a moment or two of wanting to pull my hair out–so this–even this I want to remember.

When you homeschool, you have some flexibility. Here’s a confession. Every morning–I roll out of bed at…(drum roll)…8am. Richard and the children are early risers–and they rise and read…or play…or let the goats and chickens out of their coop and kennel. The goats are just 4 months old so they are still too young to sleep in the pasture, so they sleep in a kennel in the pool house.

8am – She rises to drink coffee.

8:30 – She melts. Because she realizes the 8 year old daughter has dressed and prepped the younger boys for preschool. Sweaters. Jeans. Socks and shoes. I take a picture to remember. Then I make the 3 and 5 year old lunches.

8:45 – Out the door. Only we realize the goats need grain–so we run back in and deliver grain to those sweet goats. Then off we go to preschool.

9:05 am – We arrive to preschool carpool early. So for 10 glorious minutes we all sing praise and worship songs in the van together. Oh my…this sets the pace of our whole day. Coffee and worship. I’m ready to roll!

9:15 am – We say our good-byes and off we go!

9:30 am – Arrive to Target. Buyings snacks to contribute to preschool, cupcake sprinkles for fall fun and a treat for a friend.

10 am – School can wait…we have a dear friend to see! Seven and a half years ago when we just had 2 toddlers–my phone rang. On the other end was Mama Judy…I should say a lady…but she is now Mama Judy to us. Never underestimate what the Lord might do in a phone call. Because with that one 7 1/2 years ago a sweet friendship was born. I captured the last days of her beau–and many emails later–our hearts were connected as friends and sisters in Christ for the long haul. So thankful. Every season and holiday we see Mama Judy–so today we met to celebrate this season over doughnuts. And as always lots and lots of love from Mama J.


11:30 am – Race right back to homeschool at the farm. Only some times homeschool on the farm looks a bit like this…(okay–with added trinkets and Fall fun from Mama Judy of course!)


I looooove that these kiddos loving READING so much. I run a pretty tight homeschool ship–but some days you need to just breath and focus on the basics like reading, writing and arithmetic–and call it a day! We spent much of our day reading RIGHT here.

12:30 – Who needs lunch when you are filled up on doughnuts. We picked and had a snack instead!

1:15 pm – Carpool pick up for the preschoolers!

1:30 pm – Stopped for an hour at a horse farm to talk to the farmer about donkeys and horses. Laney is in the market for horse riding lessons–and Momma is in the market for a donkey to protect her goats. JUST FYI–many farms use donkeys to protect their herds and livestock from coyotes. Most animals will run–but a donkey stands their ground and even approaches the coyote chasing him away. If you want to keep your herd–you get a donkey…or a llama. But we are thinking long term kiddie donkey rides and nativity fun;)…so we are holding out for a livestock/kid friendly donkey:)

2:30 pm – An hour at the horse farm flew by! We’ll sing some songs about multiplication today instead of drilling. Nap time for Zeke. Outside time—and reading together about the Middle Ages in Australia. The children are big enough to read it themselves now so some days they read ahead of me!

LONG STRETCH OF JUST RESTING…READING AND BEING TOGETHER. This is what farm life has given us…some sweet un-rushed time!

5pm – Delivering one to soccer.

5:30pm – Another delivery to ballet. And 2 more to boys tumbling (they are learning how to run up a wall and back flip…crazy 5 year olds;)

5:40 – 6:15 – HOBBY LOBBY with Zeke. BLISS:)

6:30 – Pick up babies from ballet and tumbling

6:45 – Pick up love from soccer.

Call Richard in New York and check in on Bob Gates dinner…don’t love when he is traveling…but so thankful for how the Lord provides through his travels!!

7pm – I convince the kids instead of momma’s cooking–we can go grab dinner.


Laney squealed when I got this in my fortune cookie at dinner today. “Momma! You are going with the Created for Care team on a retreat this weekend! Indeed this is true! You will be in cheerful company and have a merry time!” Oh how I love that girl of mine!

8 pm – MUCH to late to take 5 children to Home Depot. BUT…I braved it any way. I need a CRAFT INTERVENTION!! Gathering supplies for a fun craft for our team of 10 to do this weekend at a little retreat as we pray and plan for the 1,000 adoption and foster mommas who come to Created for Care in 2015.

OH NO. All was well until Parker tried to close Home Depot gate thing…and there went Zeke’s fingers. And the melt down to crazy begins! NOW…just remember although the farm might look like BLISS…there is still crazy just like in any family…and it all happened here. We got a cold spray from the nice employee–who knew there was such a thing and it made his fingers feel better fast! Oh my…quickly spiraling–get kids home FAST!!!

8:30pm – Put the goats and chickens up. Bring the books, pillows and blankets off hammock in. Babes ready for bed. Call the beau and hear about his day. Excited he returns soon.

9 pm – Zulily. I shouldn’t get on…but I do…and I found adorable boots for one of my besties baby girls–so I buy them. And can’t wait to see if they fit!

And that my friends is a day…a crazy normal day—that I want to remember:)


Hope you each have a blessed weekend ahead!





When God Sees You {Believing in His Promises}

Recently I went to a women’s retreat with the new, smaller church my family has been attending. For 10 years we were at our old church when we felt the Lord recently call us to a smaller community, and I knew going on the women’s retreat would help me get to know some of the women and get connected to this new community. Only–I don’t do well with new places and new people–and getting over that hump is PAINFUL for me.

Enochlophopia: a social phobia that includes fear of crowds–often leading to feeling insignficant.

Y’all. I might have to diagnose myself with that phobia. The crowd was only 40 or so folks. But 40 that didn’t know me–so when the opportunity presented itself on the 2nd day of the 3 day retreat–I hauled it. Yes, I know. I failed retreat going although I help  coordinate retreats where 450 moms are in attendance for each one. But y’all–I’m a retreat failure;). (I have a deep appreciation for every mom who comes to our retreats so bravely–it’s not something I do easily! And I didn’t last 24 hours at this one!) I packed my bags. Left one of my roommates I had connected with a note–and HAULED it to my car running as fast as I could with my luggage hitting my side as I ran. The only thing I left besides my favorite pillow was dust and gravel spinning off my tires as I skidded out of that place.

For whatever reason, in that environment I felt so unseen. And having to retell who I was…even who I see myself in Christ as–just felt too overwhelming.


He sees me.


And He sees you.

Right now.

Where you are. No matter how unseen you might feel.

He sees you.

In Genesis 16, Sarai and Abram (later renamed Sarah and Abraham) forget God’s promises and His promise to them. They LONGED to be parents. They lived a life of infertility without adoption agencies or fertility options. But God saw them–and in chapter 15 the Lord had spoken to them promising them that one day they would have children (Not a child–but CHILDREN).

Sarai forgot God’s promise and convinced Abram to sleep with their helper Hagar so they could have a family through her. Hagar conceived, but was then mistreated by Sarai. And it felt SO…unfair.

Have you ever felt that? Tired? Done? Used?

Let’s leave Sarai’s feelings for a bit and jump to Hagar.

Hagar had gone above and beyond her duties as a helper. And to be frank–she was used. She was mistreated. She was forced to sleep with her boss Abram so Sarai could have a baby for her. Then Sarai was just mean to Hagar. SISTERS–you know the one thing that cuts our hearts in two is a mean girl. While things weren’t working out for Sarai, Hagar was just taken down with her–for no reason other than to try and make Sarai’s life better–and it just felt so wrong. She felt unappreciated. She felt used. She felt unseen. And not because of Abram–but because of Sarai…another woman not appreciating or loving her well.

Hagar felt more unseen because of the treatment of Sarai than the treatment of Abram. She ran and fleed to another country hauling it on her heels as fast as she could–certainly leaving her pillow if she had one. And then–as she ran…God showed up and reminded her, “I SEE YOU.”

I really believe as a woman that it is more often our very own that we feel the most insignificance, under appreciated and even hurt from. It is also our very kind that we can also receive the most healing through when we walk together–which requires dying to ourselves, vulnerability and taking risks. I know this is one of the reasons the Lord called me to serving women through retreats–it’s my very place of DISCOMFORT AND WEAKNESS—but it is also through these that I have been challenged, strengthened in and seen the power of Jesus in my own heart and hands in. I find myself drawn to the woman in the back of the room with her bags contemplating running–and it’s often that very mom that becomes my new VBFF in life–running beside me.

And Hagar–she also felt unseen. God saw her–deeply. She just needed reminding.

Instead of getting to build a new life away from the uncomfortable–God tells her to GO BACK. And He also discloses a little bit about what her son will be like. And that–wasn’t pretty either. A wild donkey of a son who will always live in hostility with his brothers. Good times Hagar…good times. Does the story for Hagar ever get better? Does your story every get better? Some times you don’t see it–and Hagar at the time didn’t either!

But Hagar says to the Lord, “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” (Genesis 16:13).

And that–is ENOUGH.

It is enough to leave there and return to serve. To serve without appreciation. To serve without being written more about. Her life isn’t written about more–but there’s no doubt that it continued and hopefully got better. What we do know–is she was SEEN and that was ENOUGH.

Her problems were deep. Her problems were heavy.

But she was seen–and being seen by Him was ENOUGH.

She was in a situation where she was now unclean and might never be accepted by the world.

But she was seen–and being seen by Him was ENOUGH.

She was serving her heart and soul out–being mistreated, having eyes rolled at her, being asked to do things that were not fair. She was looked from head to toe with a hateful glare by another woman that she would continue to serve.

But she was seen–and being seen by Him was ENOUGH.

Hagar didn’t have an iPhone to text her friend how unappreciated she felt. She didn’t have Facebook to gripe on…or a blog to vent through. She couldn’t call someone to just tell how rude and unkind Sarai was…

She was seen–and being seen by Him was ENOUGH.

And He saw Sarai too.

God is so gracious and merciful like that.

He answered Sarai’s prayer and life time longing in the chapters that follow by making her a mommy. Although she messed up. Although she didn’t trust Him. Although she took matters in her own hand. Although she sinned. Although she mistreated her staff. Although she rolled her eyes. Although she didn’t love others. Although she didn’t do the right thing. Although she griped. GOD SAW HER…TOO.

Where ever you are today–God sees.

He sees you right where you are–and He also has promises for you–just like He did for Sarai…and Hagar.

I think about His promises to me–and oh how FAITHFUL He is.

We must recount and remember His faithfulness…and share it with those who are waiting…feeling unseen—feeling forgotten…so they may be encouraged.

Fourteen years ago I was living in China and prayed that one day I would have a child from China. I wanted to be a mommy more than anything. God would later answer that prayer–after walking through Lyme disease, miscarriage and a whole lot of crazy. On the 10th anniversary of our wedding–we would be in China for the first time together completing our family.

Remembering back to Lyme disease, I remember thinking I would never run or have energy again. My rheumatologist diagnosed me with Sjogren’s Syndrome. The fatigue that came with this seemed too much for also homeschooling yet we felt called to this through dyslexia and other needs. I see now that God had me go through these things to know Him deeper and experience His glory in new ways. This week I got another year of great CLEAR results on my blood work–perfectly normal results. Those months and months of struggling were holy and sweet–although at the time they felt overwhelmed and hopeless. I feel so privileged to now be able to encourage others walking this journey with the same comfort I received from Him offering hope and encouragement on other’s journey.

This small town girl has always struggled living in the big city–and while I thought and hoped one day we would move to a really small town where I would know people and be known by people on a deeper level, God led us to a farm just outside the city…and it’s perfect. Because He sees and He knows me on the level my soul longs to be known.

And while all of Sarai and Hagar’s issues would have not been issues had Sarai just believed God’s promises in the first place–He still saw and didn’t leave either of them. Because He is good. Because He is God. And because He wants us to all know–that no matter what we do…He is ENOUGH.

He sees YOU today–right where you are. He is going to show up and show you that He is enough when you choose to open your eyes and look for Him. He, too, has promises for you. He longs for you to see Him–as He sees you. And oh sweet sister–HE SEES YOU. Feeling appreciated or not…loved or not…used or not…lonely or just out of place…HE SEES. And He has a plan. Your story is going to be beautiful as you wait on Him and rest knowing that He will always show up. He is EL ROI…the God who sees. And He is enough for you–and me.

Thankful for His faithfulness…
