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Henri Nouwen

I was reading Henri Nouwen’s book “In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership” and came across this paragraph that I wanted to share:

“From the heart come the words, “Do you love me?” Knowing the heart of Jesus and loving him are the same thing. The knowledge of Jesus’ heart is a knowledge of the heart. And when we live in the world with that knowledge, we cannot do other than bring healing, reconciliation, new life and hope wherever we go. The desire to be relevant and successful will gradually disappear, and our only desire will be to say with our whole being to our brothers and sisters of the human race, “You are loved. There is no reason to be afraid. In love God created your inmost self and knit you together in your mother’s womb” (See Psalm 139:13)

Are These Kids All Yours? - October 21, 2009 - 2:53 pm

I like it! Thank you.

Sunday-Tuesday…in just 3 days

11 sessions successfully and beautifully completed.
4 sessions edited and uploaded.
1 parent/teacher conference that made my heart smile.
A home study completed and a step closer to our baby.
An archive sale with my business to raise money for our little man and preparing me to stop my photography biz for awhile so I can be 100% mommy to 4 little people.
And the final word of the day…thermometer. I’m just sayin’.

God continues to blow me away with His provision…how He gives us energy and strength to continue to run well with 3 children 5 and under. And how amazing it is that He has already given us a deep love for a baby across the world we have yet to meet!!! Praise the Lord our Jehovah Jireh!

Are These Kids All Yours? - October 20, 2009 - 9:05 pm

Jehovah Jireh my Provider His Grace is sufficient for me – for me for me. He has provided all my needs according to His riches and Glory…He has given His angels charge over me….Jehovah Jireh cares for me for me for me….Jehovah Jireh cares for me!!! ( part of a camp song that I love to sing here at camp).

The Young Family - October 20, 2009 - 9:17 pm

I don't know the tune girl…but I'm singing that camp song with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you know???

Here are some interesting tidbits, startling facts…and a few answers to questions you might wonder but not ask…

* The most recent statistics on the number of orphans in the world according to UNICEF is 145 million. And over 15 million children have lost one or both parents to AIDS (over 11.6 million of those live in sub-Suharan Africa)

* As if losing your mommy and daddy isn’t hard enough…in Ethiopia—1 in 10 children die before their 1st birthday and 1 in 6 die before their 5th birthday.

* We’re adopting a baby from Ethiopia…and because we didn’t have a gender preference…our agency said we’d get a baby boy! (the wait list for a girl is much longer…so they said we can pretty much count on a baby boy with no gender preference…either way…we are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!)

* Adoption costs between $20K-$40K…all depending on the country. Not inexpensive. YET PRICELESS. And we serve a God with a limitless bank account…so we count on Him for our provision!

* 82% of Ethiopian people survive on less than $1 a day

* Ethiopia’s doctor to children ratio is 1 to 24,000

* Our baby will be Frank’s age or younger (he’ll be 1 on November 1st!) Our agency and our home study consultant recommends we maintain birth order…Frank will most likely have a side kick…and probably just a bit younger than he is. Ahhh…that’s 3 boys and a very sassy little girl in the Young house. FUN!

* Once we turn in our dossier (in a week or so)…we’ll be waitlisted. The wait for a boy can be any where from 3-12 months. Paper pregnancy is exciting…you never know when you’re due date is!

* Richard and I will both go over to get our little one while our kids stay here with friends and family. The trip over only lasts a week—just enough time to get paperwork and our little guy a passport…and then we’ll be home together at last!

* In Ethiopia, 1 in 3 people are HIV+

* Laney asked me last week if I was carrying our baby in Africa in my tummy. “No sweetheart…this baby is growing in momma’s heart.”

We can’t wait to be on the wait list VERY soon! The months will probably go slower than they ever have as we wait…but we welcome that as things have been busy here—and we’re looking forward to a few months to decorate another nursery and get ready for another sweet one in our lives!!!

Amy - October 20, 2009 - 4:48 pm

I know just how you feel. I can't wait to get put on the wait lists. We've been held up for so long with the darn fingerprints and it is so exciting to be this close.

It will be fun to go through this journey together. We assume we'll be getting a little boy too. I am sure they will be little buddies over there 🙂

Our LAST home study!!!

Woo hoo! Our last home study!!! I’m so excited to have completed one big step in our adoption process…today was our final of 4 home study interviews by AAA Adoption Partners. I have to say that I’m excited but also bummed—as we have grown to love our adoption consultant. She’s quick too…she said she’d be done with our study in a week!!! YAY! We’ve got our dossier stuff all together…so as soon as our home study is complete…we’ll be mailing in everything and hopefully soon after be on the wait list.

I’m working, working, working away in the mean time!!! I had 6 mini-sessions on Sunday. ALL were fabulous!!! I had 3 scheduled for today…2 were “no shows”…which that NEVER happens…but it’s the road to adoption I guess! Makes it more interesting. I have 2 regular ones tomorrow and a 3rd mini session tomorrow…(along with Parker’s PreK parent/teacher conference)…lots going on, lots of hard work…but with a hopeful dossier submission around the corner! Yay! Yay! Yay! I’m getting excited about getting closer to being on the list. Yes, a long wait will be ahead…but the paper chase will finally be over!!!


Ya gotta love a thermometer;)

On our Wiphan Care Ministries Board ( I am known for having a love with thermometers. Not thermometers that tell the temperature—but thermometers that show progress toward a goal. I don’t know what it is—but they get me excited! Maybe it’s my VBS (Vacation Bible School) ole Southern Baptist past…you remember–how the leadership would post that HUGE thermometer to raise money for the week for the Lottie Moon Offering Goal?! If you grew up going to GA’s, VBS or anything of the like…you know exactly what I’m talking about;).

I just finished up 6 of my mini-sessions today…I’ve got 3 tomorrow and several more sessions throughout the week. I typically only shoot 1-2 sessions a week–but I’m picking it up here to pay for our adoption up front, and I’m really excited to watch and see God provide. Last week I was really struggling with trust–but man, I’m completely psyhced as I am at total ease and completely trusting Him. I *know* He is going to provide. I could have kept this worry to myself–but instead I put it out there…gave it to my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for and carry with me…and the great thing about that is that in the end He will not only receive the glory–but He will receive MORE glory! Yay!

So…in my excitement to watch God provide…I created a fun little thermometer in the bottom right margin. I’m trusting God to provide this in the next 2 weeks before we submit our dossier. I’m booking extra sessions–yes–but in the end it is REALLY Him who is doing the providing!!! So far…it’s slowly climbing. Our last home study is tomorrow and our dossier collection is almost ready to go…I’ll just be waiting for our finished home study and it’s off!!! My goal is to have everything in the mail on the 30th of this month…so of course my goal is to have that amount by then too! I’m really trusting Him and so excited to see how He works!!!

And on a side note–we had the BEST sermon at church today. It was on God’s wrath. Woa. Not something you normally hear preached about. But very true–very real–and very convicting. Our God loves a lot of things. But He hates a lot of things too. Did you know there is more in the Bible about God’s wrath than His love? God hates sin. He hates when we let our flesh get in the way. He hates when things are unjust. Let us not give up on doing good—loving others…even the unlovable—and not let petty things distract us from remaining in His will. Remember when someone hurts you or is unkind to you—LOVE back. Take a deep breath–put the feelings your flesh WANTS to feel where they belong…and LOVE! Do not get caught up in gossip. Do not talk about those who hurt you–tell Jesus all about it…and let Him take care of it freeing you to follow Him and not fall into sin. Cling to what is good, hate what is evil. And pray for those who do not understand or who are caught up in sin or petty behavior. As long as you are in this world–you will run into people on a daily basis who do not follow God—do not love through His power…even believers will fall into the trap of being unkind to one another. So, when someone unbeliever or even harder to understand a believer is unkind…put it all where it belongs…at the cross of Jesus and be free to serve others, love others and know Him deeper. Our God is a god of love–but also a God of wrath. He is to served, loved and feared. And I fear Him to much to not give up loving…even those who are hard to love. Help us Lord to love and see others as you see them. Help us to be filled with more of You so we can love as you do. And help us not let our hearts and feelings deceive us about what really matters—because following you is all that really does.

Now…go check out my thermometer and watch God work!

***Update—took Mr.Thermometer down when we reached our dossier goal! God amazingly helped us raise $5K in a week through work creativity:). Yay God!

Amy - October 18, 2009 - 7:31 pm

Looks like we are both going to be wait listed here in the very near future! How exciting that we will get to go through this journey together!!!

The Young Family - October 18, 2009 - 8:00 pm

YAY Amy!!! Maybe we can travel together too since we will probably both have boys!!! YAY!!! Wish you lived closer now…that would be the best!